I got my tile…

At the Greenville Center for Creative Arts where I have my studio, once you have been a resident artist for a year you get a “tile” to be included on the steps going up the artist studios. I just got added in. Each tile needs to be a rather solid color, but of any design and title. It shows that the artists are the “DNA” of the Art Center.

I decided to go with “My Own Unilome.” A unilome is a Buddhist symbol that represents life’s obstacles and how varied the path of our lives can be – zig-zagging and wandering until it straightens out and we find our way.

I do feel as though I have been on a wild and diverse path the last few years. In my art as well as in my personal life. Every year new curveballs and learning experiences. Pain and joy.

But it is good to be on a more settled path now and part of a community. On the steps.  Moving up.


I will be teaching the first “Master class” as part of the new Master series of workshops at the Art Center up these stairs and in the best and most beautiful classroom in South Carolina.  This will be an intensive, 2-day workshop to study and build a portrait from the live model. You will learn everything you need to know about light- no matter what medium you work in and the workshop  will take the fear out of painting a portrait. All levels welcome. Please join me!! September 14 and 15th.

Register with the Art Center here. https://artcentergreenville.org/fullclasslisting/


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