There is power in owning a key. 
It opens doors to possibility. The keys above are to my new studio space at the Greenville Center for Creative Arts where I have been teaching the last few months. I have been on the waiting list for a studio since last summer before I moved to Greenville. At the time I was also on the waiting list for a few apartments down here and one opened up at the the cotton mill where I live now. The funny part is that I had never been to Greenville, did not know anyone here and I had never seen the apartment. (Sometimes you just have to dive off a cliff) and so on the day that my son and I arrived a week ahead of the moving trucks, I pulled into the parking lot of the mill and couldn’t believe that the Art Center was right next door to my new apartment. I didn’t know. 
The last 6 months I have been working in my living room (which has been great) but nearly everything had to go into storage. Now I have a dedicated space again. I can walk a very short distance to the Art Center and to my new home base for painting. On Easter Day my son and I scrubbed the walls and painted them. We had a picnic on the floor and it will go down as a memorable holiday for me. 
I burned white sage.

Friends helped me move my very heavy drafting table and even heavier pastel taboret out of storage and push them over to the Center. My easel went for a walk from my living room to its new home in the studio. Bookshelves were added and I am sorting. It feels like moving again, but oh so much more fun. This weekend I will be ready to add paintings. Can ya smell the potential?
And I am literally right around the corner from my classroom where I have been teaching. This was my “Face and Figure” class Tuesday.
The cool thing about these keys is that I have never needed  them before.  I never worked outside of my home before. In the past I have worked in a living room and a dining room. A storage space and a bedroom. I have had a huge studio space with a north light window and I have worked in a basement. And you know what? It never affected the work. Determination made those paintings happen no matter where I was. But now it feels official. Rent and insurance on the space. A set of keys to lock others out and to open the door to my mind set for the day.
It is a powerful thing. And yes, on my key ring is a kintsugi-repaired stone from an artist that shatters semi-precious stones and repairs them traditionally.
Very precious to me.
I’ll keep ya posted on when the paintings move in…….There will be an Open Studio Party in May!


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