Last Friday I did an interview on tv. 

It was very fun to see the news anchors and cameras all around different sets and to be able to talk about what I do. Then I went off to do a brief demo which they then checked in on repeatedly after a few commercials and then later there was a wrap-up and an unveiling of the portrait which I had done ahead of time. This link below has the beginning of the interview, but I can’t seem to find a link to the wrap-up although a lot of people said they saw it. And, lucky me, the client who let me use the image of her daughter is buying the headshots too. If anyone has a recording of the ending, let me know! 

Otherwise I did a 2-day master portrait workshop with a model on Saturday and Sunday, ran my mentorship and pastel classes the last 2 days, did an Artist Talk Tuesday night with the Thornback Gallery about my kintsuki series, and now I am up and running on some new oil commissions.  

Whew. I am tired. I need a week-long nap.  😊

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