I am back! Did ya miss me?
Values, values, values… If you are an artist of any kind you will have heard this word and typically get bombarded by this term in workshops. It is a word that typically refers to how light or dark a color or shape is in a painting. New artists can struggle with this concept. The apple above is red in color, but actually pretty dark in value when seen in greyscale. The cool thing is that values can shift and change in an image based on what is around it. So values can be a hard thing to control in painting.
It can also be a hard thing to control in life….
I have been quiet for the last few months. SO much has happened since then. Much traveling! So much has been going on for me personally, so here is a quick recap:
I got to hold my grandbaby boy, Koa, over a few weeks in the Caribbean over the holidays and watch my daughter become a wonderful and amazing mom. I am officially a “Gama” now (little brag) and it is actually comforting to hear that word again since my kids all called my mom “Gama” when she watched me growing as a mom too so many years ago. It has been almost 14 years ago since I lost her to cancer and still miss her every day.
In December I sold my mom and dads home where I grew up afrer losing my dad. Going back and forth to Pittsburgh to settle out all of that brought up a lot of memories. They (and me) are at peace now. I hope.
I just got back from Baltimore where I spent the last 2 weeks there with my daughter (the novelist) while she was recovering from surgery. She has been in good hands at Johns Hopkins where she also works as a writer. Her novel is now in the stages of planning out the cover. I also know she is in good hands with Viking Press as her publisher in the US. (small brag again)
And this summer we will travel to Portland, Oregon to see my son compete at Nationals for indoor rock climbing for US Climbing. He placed third at Divisionals for all of the Southeastern States. Only 48 men in his category will compete from across the country. We are looking forward to cheering him on. (another small brag)
Whew! Along the way I painted, painted some more and designed a lot of other paintings. And it got me thinking about values in a new way.
Yes, about how to make the values in my paintings make sense, hold interest and direct the viewer. How to create reality and also how to break it. But the values I wanted to really talk about is the values I hold dear.
The ringtone on my cell is the beginning of the song by Metallica called “Nothing Else Matters.” My son says it is obnoxious when it goes off, but I find the guitar riff in the beginning to be so beautiful and a reminder to me that we choose our values by our words and deeds. And that nothing else matters except what I hold dear. Like color, my core values have also changed and shifted over the years.
When I was cleaning out my childhood home, I realized that there were so many things that were put in cabinets, in drawers and on display for “good.” My mom had a ton of shirts and even cheaper t-shirts that she would only wear “for good.” Pretty china plates and jewelry only admired at holidays.
It made me sad.
Life is so short. I never really saw myself without parents. With my kids grown up and gone. Oh, I knew it could happen, but it was an abstract. Dashes of what will be mixed up on a future palette. But so much of it is now here. My son will be “gone” soon too. Off to college this Fall.
And so I realize that nothing else matters except what I make to matter.
There is a wonderful book by Eric Maisel that has been near my bedside for many years. “The Van Gogh Blues.” It was given to me by another artist and I have seen myself in its pages. I reference the book often. Basically, the book amounts to this- creatives need to create. To make meaning. Or nothing else WILL matter.
So this year especially while the world is seemingly going crazy, and simple humanistic values have become skewed, I can only show those that I love that I love them. Special jewelry will not sit in a drawer for “good” but will be worn any day I feel like it along with my paint-splattered clothes because it makes me happy. And I have been wearing fine cashmere to paint in because I find value in staying warm and in feeling good about myself. I will take care of myself and am grateful (so very grateful) that my children and grandchild are healthy and that we all have a roof over our heads, fulfilling jobs and full lives with people we love. And friends. Amazing friends. The glue that holds life together.
Because in the end nothing else matters. I have decided these values are not resolutions, but will be my way of life. These values will not be kept “for good” but will be on display every day.
And the narratives of my art makes my journey meaningful. Have value. Because if I am not creating I am not me. And just like those light and dark values in art that can shift and change based on what is surrounding it, I will try to not to change my values against any chaos surrounding me.
Ok, enough mush. Next week – yes, lets talk about those light and dark values IN a painting.
Im glad to hear your back. Looking forward to seeing your work and hearing about you and your aspirations. My art keeps me going along with my daughter and hubby. Loved reading about good things,because our USA is falling apart with poor choices.
I am fearful for the future truly. But I have to think small to have some control of my life or else Ill go crazy.
Perfect values, Christine. Nicely done.❤️
The book, The Van Gogh Blues was the foundation and catalyst for mending my spirit when I had gone through clinical depression many,many years ago it is still my inspirational go to help! I have recommended it too many
people over the years. Im no longer on Facebook and have reduced my media quotient.
I appreciate your blog. Congratulations on the new season of being a grandparent! I have six.
Look forward to reading your daughter’s book…. and prayers for your daughter’s health. And cheers for your son !
For me Anxiety has taken an ugly appearance. Balancing my values, color and direction are in my continued altered compositions.
Good for you! It is a battle and it sounds like you are winning. Create! It solves a lot.
Christine, I think as we get older and acquire massive, varied life experience, our values do change. Funnily enough, we can’t change until we’ve had those life experiences and some introspection. It’s important to understand what is really meaningful and what gives us purpose and joy.
Absolutely. That “wisdom” of the damaged.
Yes I missed you. So great to see how you found a way to talk about values in such a broad sense, from an apple, to family, to the crazies we are living through. We can’t let them stop what we are meant to do. Thank you for the reminder.
Small world. I keep it small. It saves me from going dark.
Thanks for sharing your journey with us. You have much to be thankful for and I admire your values.
This is beautiful! As a mom of adults I can relate to your experiences. I also relate to “I realize that nothing else matters except what I make to matter”. That’s easier said than done but so helpful when you make it work.
Yes. Not easy. Life is a rollercoaster. But we are in charge of our happiness. I have a buddhist mantra in my kitchen that translates into- so as you think so as you are.” I believe that.
Hi Christine,
What a beautiful post.
Stay strong and be happy.
Amen. 🙂👍
Congratulations,Grandma!!! Welcome back after a very fulfilling journey! Thank you for sharing your journey with us. Helps keep my life journey in perspective and broadens and adds to my creative juices in my painting. Missed hearing from you and glad you’re home happy and safe. Best wishes for a great new year!!! With much appreciation, Barbara
Thanks! Hope the year is going well for you.
Nice to have you back. Loved this one.
Just today I put the finishing touches on the first day of classes. We always do a monochrome for value studying. Some hate it. But some have found superior “value” in these value studies. Have a wonderful day.
Composition is ming and values drive it.
What a lovely summary of the last few months for you! A more abstract part of life awaits, but you/we can control the color of it if we continue to recognize the/our values along the journey. You have created a beautiful life for yourself with more great things to come! I love you!
Thank you! It waits for you too. 🤗❤️
Wow!! Not only can you paint, but you can write and reach the core of understanding the values, not just in creating, but in life……
Thanks. Love ya!!!
You made me cry