Artist Guild

Monday night was the second meeting of the new Artist Guild here in Pittsburgh. How do I know? I am running it. Guild-/gild/noun – An association of artists and craftsmen coming together for mutual goals; often having considerable power. So you may have read...

Making Lemonade Part 3

Oh the happiness of a well-struck red… So continuing my talk about this painting, I was very tickled when I started adding in the light catching on the ends of her hair that came forward in space and caught the light… just a few scribbles really, made...

Making Lemonade Part 2

I have to say the painting I posted last week has been a different kind of painting for me. I was less interested in “perfect” color or even in a perfect rendering than I was in making a statement. It was rather liberating… Sure, I labored over the...

Making Lemonade

So the painting I posted last week went thought a bunch of stages. Here is the beginning of the painting… Unlike most pastellists, I like working on a white surface. Since I used to work in watercolor, I find a white surface a wonderful way to push the pastels...


Welcome to the first blog of the New Year and to the first painting of my New Life… Some ideas for books, inventions or even paintings are forged in fire. Stirred and stirred with seasonings from real life. Normally when I get caught up in a painting, I start...