Next week I will be heading North.
I will be back in Pittsburgh and teaching a Master Workshop again at Sweetwater Center for the Arts in Sewickley. I hear there are still a few spots left so join me if you want to learn more about light, pastel and how to paint the portrait from life. That weekend of the 23rd my artwork will also be part of an exhibition in Sewickley sponsored by the Art Center and the Mark Rengers Gallery. I do hope to see some family and friends there. You are invited too!
After Pittsburgh I will be having another Master Workshop in my new hometown of Greenville, SC. September 14 and 15th. Check out the Greenville Center for Creative Arts to register for that workshop. After that I will be in Connecticut with the Connecticut Pastel Society. If you live near there I hope you can attend. I would love to work with you.
Check out my workshop page for complete information on how to register for these master workshops. All levels welcome.
I am getting the Jeep ready for the road trip and I hope to see ya soon.
Welcome home Christine, I will join you in Sewickley have my yellow pencils ready to create. Hope your dad will visit us too.