
Last week I was talking about a space feeling “right.” This week is about a painting feeling “right.” I mentioned last week that when I walked into a room I liked being able to feel comfortable and have the space around me feel that...

An Unmade Bed

I have a confession to make… I like making my bed. Even when I was a kid I liked making my room look “all pretty.” And it is funny, because I am not a neat-nick. I actually like to throw my clothes around. I don’t categorize and labor over...

The Slap and Whisper

Happy New Year! I’m back! If you are not familiar, Gail Sibley is an artist that writes the amazing blog, “How to Pastel.” This month she asked 21 “guest bloggers” to write their answers to this question… “If you could suggest...

Sushi and a Blanket Fort

Please tell me 2020 is almost over… I don’t need to remind anyone that this has been a tough year. 2020 taught us some hard lessons about appreciating what we have, the value of our health and finding new ways to entertain ourselves while the world burns....

The Interview

Time to chat about composition with Patrick Lee. Over the last month I have been talking about composition and how artists can control their images. After analyzing some of Patrick Lees paintings, now it is time to meet Patrick Lee. A Pittsburgh artist like me, Pat...