
  My son likes rap…. And so I have tried to learn about it.  It is a nice thing to be alone with your 16-year old and have something to chat about in the car on the way back and forth to school. It has led to some very interesting conversations between my son and...

The chin

The chin is a golf ball.   Artists can get into a lot of trouble if we forget that the chin has structure.  That it is round. We can be in a big hurry to labor over the more popular features-  the eyes, for instance.  (If we were comparing the features of the head to...


And no, I am not talking about the ones you fly in….Chances are there are walls around you right now.  Think about how flat and straight and perfectly vertical they are. Now realize that there is nothing that flat and straight and vertical anywhere on the head.  You...


This is the sign on the back on my bathroom door.   It was written by my youngest daughter when she was about 10 years old. She was already a year into writing her first novel by then. Yes- her first novel. She carried around a pink notebook and she would write in it...

Figure Drawing

Every Thursday night I get to draw the model.   Right next to the old cotton mill I live in is the Greenville Center for Creative Arts. On Thursday evenings from 6 – 8pm I have set up Open Figure Sessions. The nice thing about that is that there is no...