It’s time for pie…
Here in the States we celebrate Thanksgiving. And tomorrow I will be eating too much turkey and pie along
And sometimes I can just paint without all the constraints.
Here is a recent commission.
Goldfish Part 6 – Finale
“If you are irritated by every rub, how will your mirror be polished?” – Rumi
It was time for Orange…
Goldfish Development #4
“Go out on a limb – that’s where the fruit is.” – Bob Ross
Now the path gets rockier…
One thought leads to another…
Colored Lights
I recently bought some softboxes from Amazon…
Wrestling a painting into submission is tough…
All In
Sometimes with color you can be “all in.”
I interrupt our regularly scheduled blog on color for a recap from “Quest for The West.”
Silent Lucidity
A good painting has a clearness of thought behind it.
Creating a realistic portrait is tough stuff. Creating a realistic portrait from a photo is nearly impossible.
The Waterline
What is more elusive than a ghost during the daytime? The waterline in a photo…
Arch Nemesis
Eyebrows can be tricky.
The Rock
When are rules not rules?
Lean Into It
Recently I found myself painting a self-portrait.
Bed Cake
Sometimes you get to eat your cake and stay in bed too.
House of Havoc
I have a companion in my studio…
Failing Forward
I read once that the act of walking is constant falling.
A few weeks ago I was asked to do a portrait demo for the INSPIRE Lecture series…
Dino Nuggets and Smiley Fries
Oh, fine American Cuisine…
Ah, boys…
Sunday Night
Sometimes I get restless.
“I just throw dignity at the wall and think only of the game”
– Suzanne Lenglen- the world’s first female professional tennis player
Old Friend
I found myself recently staring back at an old friend.
“The trouble is, my dear doctor, is that you see, but you do not observe…”
– Sherlock Holmes to Watson
The Yellow Stage
Last Friday I did a zoom lecture.
The Color of Light
All light sources have an inherent color.
“Good teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers.”
– Josef Albers
Let’s talk color.
Poor little potato.
Back in Black
No, I’m not talking about the AC/DC song.
Fuzzy Socks
But sometimes work gets put on hold…
Feeling Preppy
So now it is time to get to work…
“… and we never failed to fail, it was the easiest thing to do.”
– Crosby, Stills and Nash
Studio Treasures
This is the only thing I have that belonged to my grandfather.
Lessons on Light From a Ladder
The biggest weapon an artist has is observation.
I recently got a splinter.
How things change…
Survival is its own creative act.
I love authentic people.
Last week I was talking about a space feeling “right.” This week is about a painting feeling “right.”
An Unmade Bed
I have a confession to make… I like making my bed.
The Slap and Whisper
Happy New Year! I’m back!
Sushi and a Blanket Fort
Please tell me 2020 is almost over…
The Interview
Time to chat about composition with Patrick Lee.
Focused as a Red Laser
A focal point in an image is key.
Composition is King I tell Ya!
So the textures in Patrick Lee’s paintings are unsurpassed. Yet it is the composition that makes you look twice…
Blue Butterflies
I love butterflies. How weird and wonderful that they taste flowers with their feet.
Someone asked me recently what was the most difficult commission I have ever done. And without hesitation I thought of one of the very first ones I ever did.
Lighting Strikes
My daughter was struck by lightning.
Cat Prints
So apparently my cat walked into wet oil paint and walked across my taboret and floor…
Already Gone
“So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains and we never even know we have the key.”
-Eagles song, “Already Gone”
Just as in this tumultuous political climate, in art, there is no such thing as neutral.
Spilled Rice
In the past few weeks I have moved on to painting other things. And sometimes things get knocked around.
Book It
A hardbound book is given to the client at the end of a commission.
To Make an Omelette
You know the saying “To make an omelette, you have to break a few eggs?” Well, to make a pastel painting you have to break a few sticks.
The Reveal
So I always get annoyed with taking photos of my finished work…
Step by Step
Portraits are a treasure hunt… searching… searching…
Blank Canvas
Once the client is satisfied with the overall design and I know what their goals are in the commission, it is time to get to work.
I have worked with artists creating commissions thoroughout the years and one of the biggest pieces of advice I can give to them is to do your homework.
Monster in the Making
I have a new commission…
A painting is theater.
So I am not an expert on abstract paintings. In fact, when I go to a museum or show, they don’t tend to capture my attention. The only clear exception for me has been Frances Kline.
I see portraits all the time with teeth… oh man, just don’t do it.
Brushing Up
A brush is an artist’s friend, so we need to take care of our pals…
The Devil
“It’s hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off…” – Florence and the Machine
Getting The World to Tilt
The weather has been nice where I am lately so I recently found myself out on the grass looking up at white, fluffy clouds moving quickly past the trees.
I am a bionic woman.
Pastel Is a tactile medium.
I am crabby. Crabby, crabby, crabby…
Getting Curves
And just like an an awkward teenage girl, when a line grows up it can get curvy.
Walking the Line
A line is the most powerful tool in art.
The Difference a Year Can Make
There is something inherently powerful about welding a brush…
Ping Pang
You know you are an artist when…
A Crit
So while in quarantine I have been doing critiques for artists…
Sometimes a light shines in the darkness… or at least into your living room.
I am busier then ever… so why do I feel that I am not getting much done?
Guest Blogger
Hi! this week I am taking you to a wonderful blog spot called How to Pastel.
Arrested Momentum
In the very beginning of designing this painting I asked myself- “What is most important?”
Light and Air
Hang in there everyone! Glad you could join me again this week from containment. I sincerely hope that
Purple People
“What color should I use for skin?” I get asked this question all of the time.
PINK and pink
“Pink” is just a name for a broad category of colors.
This Is Not A Pink Rose
I often see artists getting ready to paint something like this flower above and I watch them getting out all their pretty, pink pastel sticks or start to mix up pink paint… uh… nope.
I got new glasses.......
Oil Painting – The Tavern Project Part 3
More on those panels!
Oil Painting – The Tavern Project Part 2
This week I will take you through the stages that the paintings went through for the restaurant project that was discussed last week.
Oil Painting – The Tavern Project Part 1
I recently found myself painting in oils for a new Restaurant…
Shooting Stars, a Deserted Island and Pirate Booty
Over the holidays I was...
My easel broke…
Out of Touch
Lately I have noticed a weird phenomenon…
Getting a Grip
Tomorrow in the United States is Thanksgiving.
One of my favorite...
Color of Light
All light sources have an inherent color. Photos tend to throw things off so we see things as “white light”
Sketchy Endeavors
While you are reading this I am in day 4 of Jury Duty. Yup, this week I am a servant of the State.
The Lies That Photos Tell
If you paint portraits from photos, you instantly have a battle on your hands because those pesky photo references tell lies. Here’s why.
Color Color Color…
Controlling color is one of the most important things you can do as an artist… as well as the most difficult.
By A Nose…
My students often complain about painting a nose. I hear ya, they are tough… so let’s look at a few things to make painting the schnoz a little bit easier.
I recently posted a little oil painting that I was working on last week and was pleasantly surprised when it received a lot of attention on Facebook. SO cool! So I thought I would show how this little image came to be.