

It’s time for pie…
Here in the States we celebrate Thanksgiving. And tomorrow I will be eating too much turkey and pie along

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And sometimes I can just paint without all the constraints.
Here is a recent commission.

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All In

All In

Sometimes with color you can be “all in.”

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I interrupt our regularly scheduled blog on color for a recap from “Quest for The West.”

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Creating a realistic portrait is tough stuff. Creating a realistic portrait from a photo is nearly impossible.

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The Waterline

The Waterline

What is more elusive than a ghost during the daytime? The waterline in a photo…

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Bed Cake

Bed Cake

Sometimes you get to eat your cake and stay in bed too.

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A few weeks ago I was asked to do a portrait demo for the INSPIRE Lecture series…

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“I just throw dignity at the wall and think only of the game”
– Suzanne Lenglen- the world’s first female professional tennis player

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“The trouble is, my dear doctor, is that you see, but you do not observe…”
– Sherlock Holmes to Watson

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“Good teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers.”
– Josef Albers

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“… and we never failed to fail, it was the easiest thing to do.”
– Crosby, Stills and Nash

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Last week I was talking about a space feeling “right.” This week is about a painting feeling “right.”

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Blue Butterflies

Blue Butterflies

I love butterflies. How weird and wonderful that they taste flowers with their feet.

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Someone asked me recently what was the most difficult commission I have ever done. And without hesitation I thought of one of the very first ones I ever did.

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Cat Prints

Cat Prints

So apparently my cat walked into wet oil paint and walked across my taboret and floor…

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Already Gone

Already Gone

“So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains and we never even know we have the key.”
-Eagles song, “Already Gone”

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Just as in this tumultuous political climate, in art, there is no such thing as neutral.

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Spilled Rice

Spilled Rice

In the past few weeks I have moved on to painting other things. And sometimes things get knocked around.

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Book It

Book It

A hardbound book is given to the client at the end of a commission.

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To Make an Omelette

To Make an Omelette

You know the saying “To make an omelette, you have to break a few eggs?” Well, to make a pastel painting you have to break a few sticks.

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The Reveal

The Reveal

So I always get annoyed with taking photos of my finished work…

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Blank Canvas

Blank Canvas

Once the client is satisfied with the overall design and I know what their goals are in the commission, it is time to get to work.

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I have worked with artists creating commissions thoroughout the years and one of the biggest pieces of advice I can give to them is to do your homework.

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So I am not an expert on abstract paintings. In fact, when I go to a museum or show, they don’t tend to capture my attention. The only clear exception for me has been Frances Kline.

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I see portraits all the time with teeth… oh man, just don’t do it.

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Brushing Up

Brushing Up

A brush is an artist’s friend, so we need to take care of our pals…

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The Devil

The Devil

“It’s hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off…”   – Florence and the Machine

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Getting The World to Tilt

Getting The World to Tilt

The weather has been nice where I am lately so I recently found myself out on the grass looking up at white, fluffy clouds moving quickly past the trees.

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Getting Curves

Getting Curves

And just like an an awkward teenage girl, when a line grows up it can get curvy.

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A Crit

A Crit

So while in quarantine I have been doing critiques for artists…

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Sometimes a light shines in the darkness… or at least into your living room.

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I am busier then ever… so why do I feel that I am not getting much done?

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Guest Blogger

Guest Blogger

Hi! this week I am taking you to a wonderful blog spot called How to Pastel.

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Arrested Momentum

Arrested Momentum

In the very beginning of designing this painting I asked myself- “What is most important?”

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Light and Air

Light and Air

Hang in there everyone! Glad you could join me again this week from containment. I sincerely hope that

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Purple People

Purple People

“What color should I use for skin?” I get asked this question all of the time.

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This Is Not A Pink Rose

This Is Not A Pink Rose

I often see artists getting ready to paint something like this flower above and I watch them getting out all their pretty, pink pastel sticks or start to mix up pink paint… uh… nope.

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Color of Light

Color of Light

All light sources have an inherent color. Photos tend to throw things off so we see things as “white light”

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Sketchy Endeavors

Sketchy Endeavors

While you are reading this I am in day 4 of Jury Duty. Yup, this week I am a servant of the State.

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The Lies That Photos Tell

The Lies That Photos Tell

If you paint portraits from photos, you instantly have a battle on your hands because those pesky photo references tell lies. Here’s why.

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Color Color Color…

Color Color Color…

Controlling color is one of the most important things you can do as an artist… as well as the most difficult.

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By A Nose…

By A Nose…

My students often complain about painting a nose. I hear ya, they are tough… so let’s look at a few things to make painting the schnoz a little bit easier.

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I recently posted a little oil painting that I was working on last week and was pleasantly surprised when it received a lot of attention on Facebook. SO cool! So I thought I would show how this little image came to be.

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